And Yet More Nothing

I am still at home, and there is still no baby to report. Actually, as of right now / thus far today, the contractions have tapered somewhat. Every so often I’m still feeling one, but mostly either they are so mild that I don’t notice, or they aren’t happening at all anymore. The mucus keeps coming in icky abundance, however (though it has no signs of brown nor pink nor red).

I did go in to see the doctor this morning, per previously scheduled appointment. They plugged us in to the fetal monitors again, and baby’s heart rate was still averaging in the 160s… Slightly above where it’s supposed to be, but the doctor didn’t offer any thoughts about it other than stating that it’s a little high. They took my BP three times during the 30 minute monitoring session: 141/93, 133/80, and 122/73. Which I guess proves that if I lie in a quiet room for a while, it goes down. Gasp!

And… that’s about all that happened. Well, sure, I gave a urine sample and got weighed and had my ankles felt for swelling, and described my nonpainful irregular contractions; but there was no ultrasound (for the first time! out of all the times I’ve been there!) and no cervix check. Surprising, I know. Hubs’ work even let him off this morning to come with me, and then the appointment was anticlimactic and boring. I was halfway prepared to be admitted today, but instead I just scheduled another regular checkup for Friday. I guess Dr. A has no concerns, and there is some likelihood that it will still be greater than four days before Azuki Bean will make her debut.

And that is perfectly fine. The contractions – when I feel them – are really pretty unintrusive, and anyhow we’re just at 39 weeks today, so, y’know, I’ve got other things to do. For now.